First Friday Picture Show: Out and About with Leigh Seddon-Slingluff

Recycled Minds' February First Friday Picture Show features the photography of Leigh Seddon-Slingluff. Leigh had wanted to be a fashion designer since 8th grade, but after taking her first photography class she quickly realized that wasn't her path. There was something about being behind the camera rather than behind the curtain. Leigh shot photos wherever she could and soon began taking photos at packed concerts like Incubus, KISS, Snoop Dog, Kid Rock, and other popular bands in the early 2000s. With only 3 songs to get "the shot," nestled in front of the mosh pit, Leigh was hooked to the fast pace. With this under her belt, she moved on to opening The Slingluff Gallery with her husband Jonathan in 2008. They also run a contributor art blog called The Pine Cone Gentleman.  

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  1. john j.11:43 AM

    some nice shots in there!

  2. Is that Smokin' Joe Frazier?!?!

  3. Anonymous1:48 PM

    nice work! love the shots!


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