Thanks for visiting Recycled Minds!
We were once a collaborative project that aimed to share the diverse perspectives and work of our contributors. We were, and still are, scholars, activists, artists, writers, and friends that sought to create a space for a deeper understanding of and appreciation for the world around us. We hope our efforts here can contribute to meaningful conversation and contemplation, and help to spur ourselves and others toward creating positive change in our communities and around the world.
Today, Recycled Minds remains as a place for rumination, pondering, and perhaps the developing of a cohesive story over time. As of 2014, d00g is the lone writer, and has the mind to continue writing once the universe offers a spark of creative juice. Perhaps beer is that juice.
Contact & Contribute
Along with our guest columnists and contributors, Recycled Minds had a core team that puts it all together:
"d00g" is our managing editor, and produces the column, Views from the ANThill.
I am an anthrobrewologist. I have a Ph.D. in anthropology and an MPH in Global Health. My university research and work was primarily focused in southern Belize and Latin America, and revolved around indigenous cultures and ways of knowing, health, food, development, and the State. Beer and the idea of Community Building Business are my current addictions. I like to think about things anthropologically, I enjoy food and brewing beer, and I still try to run with the wind as often as I can.
Contact d00g at
Past Contributors:
Lana Lynne ~ Lana was a contributing editor, and wrote the column, Consumption Junction.
"I am a writer, researcher, and editor with a graduate degree in English Literature from Villanova University in Pennsylvania. In the past, my research largely revolved around middlebrow literature and modernism, consumerism, ecofeminism, gender, and race. These days, my writing interests lean toward corporate colonizing, history, human ecology, education, literature, and language. I also have a keen interest in folklore, particularly ghost stories."
Contact Lana at
Kevin Margitich ~ Kevin helped to produce and curate the Recycled Minds Picture Show.
"I love painting and brewing. I more or less just love to create. I'm a
former English major, working for a newspaper who spins stories with
brush and a mash paddle. My artwork has been shown in galleries in
Seattle, Florida, New Hampshire, and throughout Pennsylvania. My love of
craft beer and need to reference a literary treat along with it can be
found on Brews of our Lives. Tinkering with my fermentation
experiments, running, hiking, amusing my son, and sharing a good ghost story make up
most of my days in the City of Brotherly Love."
Contact Kevin at