Free Library

Welcome to the Recycled Minds Free Library!  

The Free Library is our small corner of the web where we share a wide variety of documents, papers, and reports, as well as hand-picked open access academic journals and sites we find inspiring. Simply click on the title, and you will be able to view and/or download the piece - and be sure to check back often for new titles, journals and websites. Enjoy!

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The Drug Problem in the Americas ~ 2013 ~ A report by the OAS that explores concerns over the impact of drug-related violence and the continuous flow of drugs in the region, and considers the adoption of policies geared to downplaying the role of the criminal justice system in drug control.

Land & Sovereignty in the Americas ~ 2013 ~ Report on “land grabbing”and call to support rural and urban communities in their efforts to protect their lands as the basis for self-determination, food justice and food sovereignty.

Advertising and Global Culture ~ 1983 ~ A classic by Noreen Janus on the effects of television and advertising on those living in poverty. First published in Cultural Survival.

The Bounds of Belief in Belize: Health, Belief, and Biomedicine in Rural Communities ~ 2012 ~ A paper by douglas reeser presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Anthropological Association.

Corporate Crime Comics ~ 1977 ~ "A collection of corporate atrocity stories" in comic book form! Issue #1 published by the Kitchen Sink Press.

Economics, Consumption, & Poverty

Advertising and Global Culture ~ 1983 ~ A classic by Noreen Janus on the effects of television and advertising on those living in poverty. Published in Cultural Survival Volume 7, Issue 2.

Consumerism: How it fosters unhealthy lifestyles and what we can do to live differently ~ 2008 ~ By Suzanne Pelican and Fred Vanden Heede from the Society for the Anthropology of Food and Nutrition.

Debt: the First 5000 Years ~ 2009 ~ A piece of the larger work by anthropologist David Graeber on the origins of debt and the market economy, and how that history has led us to where we are today. Published in eurozine.

The Debt Resistors' Operations Manual ~ 2012 ~ By anonymous supporters of Occupy for all those being crushed under the weight of debt. It aims to provide specific tactics for understanding and fighting against the debt system in the US.

Environment & Nature

Land & Sovereignty in the Americas ~ 2013 ~ Report on “land grabbing”and call to support rural and urban communities in their efforts to protect their lands as the basis for self-determination, food justice and food sovereignty. 

Mobile Phone Induced Honey Bee Worker Piping ~ 2011 ~ by Daniel Favre in Apidologie.

Weathercocks & Signposts ~ 2008 ~ An executive summary from the World Wildlife Fund that critically reassesses current approaches to motivating environmentally-friendly behaviour change.

What is REDD+?: an Alternative Guide in Opposition ~ An oppositional statement to REDD+ initiatives supported by a number of indigenous organizations.

What is REDD+? A Guide for Indigenous Communities ~ 2012 ~ Put together by a number of international indigenous organizations to provide information on global forest conservation initiatives.


A Call for a Strategic U.S. Approach to the Global Food Crisis ~ 2008 ~ a report by the Center for Strategic and International Studies on the global food crisis. Findings and Recommendations.

Access to Affordable & Nutritious Food: Measuring and Understanding Food Deserts and their Consequences ~ 2009 ~ A report to U.S. Congress by the USDA.

The Blame Game: Who is behind the world food price crisis? ~ 2008 ~ policy brief from the Oakland Institute.

Consolidation in the North American Organic Food Processing Sector, 1997 to 2007 ~ 2009 ~ By Phillip H. Howard in the International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture & Food, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 13–30.

Extreme Weather Extreme Prices: the Costs of Feeding a Warming World ~ 2012 ~ An OXFAM briefing that draws on research which models the impact of extreme weather on the prices of key international staple crops.

F as in Fat: How Obesity Policies are failing in America ~ 2009 ~ A report from Trust for America's Health that details national and state level policies aimed at reducing obesity in the U.S. population.

Food Hardship: A Closer Look at Hunger ~ 2010 ~ Executive summary of a report by the Food Research and Action Center.

The Grocery Gap: Who has Healthy Food and Why it Matters ~ 2010 ~ A joint document from Policy Link and the Food Trust, prepared by Sarah Treuhaft and Allison Karpyn. A comprehensive study of people's access to fresh food and places to buy it, and the drastic differences between racial and socio-economic groups.

People's Food Sovereignity Declaration ~ 2009 ~ The declaration from Social Movements/NGOs/CSOs from the Parallel Forum to the World Food Summit on Food Security Rome, November 13-17, 2009.

Price Volatility in Agricultural Markets ~ 2010 ~ a report from the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, includes evidence, impact on food security, and policy responses.

Seed Freedom: a Global Citizens' Report ~ 2012 ~ A report created by a long list of leading seed and food experts that aims to alert people, communities, institutions and governments of the serious risk to the future of the world’s seed and food security and what must be done to reverse it.

Towards Food Sovereignty: Reclaiming Autonomous Food Systems ~ 2008 ~ by Michel Pimbert for the International Institute for Environment and Development.

We Are Hungry - A Summary Report of Food Riots and More in 2008 ~ 2008 ~ By Mindi Schneider, Cornell University.

Health, Plants, & Medicine

The Bounds of Belief in Belize: Health, Belief, and Biomedicine in Rural Communities ~ 2012 ~ A paper by douglas reeser presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Anthropological Association.

Can Andean medicine coexist with biomedical healthcare?  ~ 2012 ~ by Sarah-Lan Mathez-Stiefel, Ina Vandebroek, and Stephan Rist ~ Investigates whether the increased presence of biomedicine led to a displacement of Andean indigenous medical practices or to coexistence of the two healing traditions.

Concepts of Race and Ethnicity among Health Researchers: Patterns and Implications ~ 2012 ~ Co-authored by RM's douglas reeser, this study contributes data based on actual interviews about the concepts of race and ethnicity, conducted among a broad range of US health researchers.

The Dignity of Living Beings with Regards to Plants ~ 2007 ~ From the Federal Ethics Committee on Non-Human Biotechnology (ECNH) in Switzerland, for the consideration of plants for their own sake.

Immigrant Health Care Niches: Exploring the Role of Botánicas in Tampa, FL ~ 2012 ~ A paper by RM's douglas reeser and Federico Cintron Moscoso based on their research on botánica shops, small stores with herbal products and other alternative-health-related products and services.

Indigenous Issues

Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples ~ 2008 ~ An important document from the UN, the adopted articles of universal indigenous rights.

Indigenising Development ~ 2009 ~ A report from the International Policy Center for Inclusive Growth. 

The Indigenous Resiliency Project: a worked example of community-based participatory research ~ 2009 ~ By Julie Mooney-Somers and Lisa Maher, published in New South Wales Public Health Bulletin 20(8):112–118. 

One Year On - Uncontacted Tribes Face Extinction ~ 2009 ~ A document prepared by Survival International detailing the plight of uncontacted indigenous groups one year after the famous first contact reported in May 2008.

Pirating African Heritage: the Pillaging Continues ~ 2009 ~ A briefing paper from the African Center for Biosafety detailing the occurrence of continued biopiracy across Africa.

A review of "The Wayfinders: Why Ancient Wisdom Matters in the Modern World" by Wade Davis ~ 2009 ~ by douglas reeser, University of South Florida.

Politics & Culture

Concerning the Violent Peace-Police ~ 2012 ~ by anthropologist David Graeber in response to the Chris Hedges piece titled "the Cancer in Occupy" (also included at the end of Graeber's piece).

Corporate Crime Comics ~ 1977 ~ "A collection of corporate atrocity stories" in comic book form! Issue #1 published by the Kitchen Sink Press.

The Drug Problem in the Americas ~ 2013 ~ A report by the OAS that explores concerns over the impact of drug-related violence and the continuous flow of drugs in the region, and considers the adoption of policies geared to downplaying the role of the criminal justice system in drug control.

Global Governance and Global Politics ~ 2005 ~ by Manuel Castells. The 2004 Ithiel de Sola Pool Lecture in PSOnline: Political Science and Politics Online

The Network of Global Corporate Control ~ 2011 ~ by Stefania Vitali, James B. Glattfelder, and Stefano Battiston.

Review of "First as Tragedy, Then as Farce" by Slavoj Zizek ~ 2010 ~ by douglas reeser, a review of the book that is also published in the International Journal of Zizek Studies Volume 4, Number 1, 2010.

The Specter of Socialism in the 21st Century ~ 2008~ A collection of articles from economist Michael Lebowitz, provided by Links: the International Journal of Socialist Renewal.

The State & Repression ~ 2010 ~ A Speech Delivered by Mumia Abu Jamal to the International Anti-Repression Congress, October 8-10, 2010, Hamburg, Germany. Recorded by and reprinted by Z Space.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights ~ 1998 ~ From the United Nations comes the Declaration of Human Rights. Written in 1948, this document serves as reference for people across the globe that continue the struggle for equality, freedom, health, and well-being. 

Open Access Journals

Altérités ~ A space for reflection and the exchange of knowledge that aims to generate debates related to the interests and current issues facing anthropological research.

Antennae: The Journal of Nature in Visual Culture ~ Combines academic scrutiny of animals in visual culture, with a less formal and more experimental format designed to cross the boundaries of academic knowledge, in order to appeal to diverse audiences including artists and the general public alike.  

Decolonization: Indigeneity, Education & Society ~ An interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed, online journal committed to decolonization work within education, as part of a larger project of decolonization in society.

Films for Action ~ Watch over 900 documentary and activist films for free! 

HAU Journal of Ethnographic Theory ~ Aims to situate ethnography as the prime heuristic of anthropology, and return it to the forefront of conceptual developments in the discipline.

International Journal of Žižek Studies ~ Devoted to the work of Slavoj Žižek, a Slovenian philosopher/cultural theorist, for those interested in his inimitable brand of critical thought.

Journal of the Department of Behavioural Sciences ~ From the University of the West Indies; Seeks to provide scholarly reflection and systematic approaches that are inherent to tertiary level practitioners with a focus on the Caribbean.

Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine ~ Articles that explore the inextricable relationships between human cultures and nature/universe, Traditional Environmental/Ecological Knowledge (TEK), folk and traditional medical knowledge, as well as the relevance of these for environmental and public health policies.

Journal for Occupied Studies ~ What this movement is about is that even the democratic institutions we do have now have been corrupted by big money, and in the same way our movement would be corrupted if we were subsumed into that same political system. We have to maintain the integrity of this experiment.

Journal of Political Ecology ~ One of the longest standing, open access, peer-reviewed, online journals in the social sciences. The journal explores the linkages between political economy and human environmental impacts. 

Social Medicine ~ Forum for the development and promotion of Social Medicine, written with an inventive, engaged and critical vision.

State of Nature ~ A focus on world politics, global economics, history, philosophy, social theory and the arts. It stands opposed to the capitalist economic order and the imperialist ambitions of the world’s great powers. It remains committed to the development of protest movements and the construction of a radical alternative to the status quo.

Trees for Life Journal ~ An open-access journal of traditional knowledge and scientific studies of beneficial trees and plants.

vis-à-vis: Explorations in Anthropology ~ The graduate student journal of the Department of Anthropology, University of Toronto.