Saving Planned Parenthood

by douglas reeser on 3.17.11

It's becoming common knowledge that the U.S. government debt is at, or close to, its highest in the history of the nation. In response to this "debt crisis" (it's an argument whether or not this is really a crisis), there are numerous proposals to cut programs that provide social services (neoliberalism is rearing its ugly head yet again). Many right-leaning politicians are especially cut-happy, and are proposing to cut federal funding to Planned Parenthood, the country's foremost provider of family planning and health services to the entire spectrum of American citizens - from the most poor to the upper-middle class. They charge for services on a sliding scale based on income.

A number of my friends work as applied anthropologists and public health researchers in the realm of reproductive health. They work on federally funded research projects that examine a wide range of issues that revolve around sex; from oral health and sexuality, to the hpv vaccine, and from college student sexual practices to sexually transmitted disease, these friends and colleagues are the newest experts in the field of sexual and reproductive health. Across the board, these colleagues are appalled at the proposed cut of funding for Planned Parenthood. They see Planned Parenthood as essential to the well-being of young adults across the country, especially in terms of their sexual and reproductive health.

They are not alone in their view on the importance of Planned Parenthood. Students from Wesleyan University have just produced a video in support of the organization - calling for the "Protection of their Freedom to Choose their Future". They also call for an end to corporate welfare, citing the $2.5 billion dollar tax breaks given to profit-earning oil companies. Check out the video below, and consider taking a stand in support of the vital services provided by your local Planned Parenthood.

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1 comment:

  1. Amazing how teaching and woman's rights are the solutions to our economic woes.


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