Is Subcomandante Marcos the next Gandhi?
"Like Gandhi in his loin cloth, Marcos and the Zapatistas who in September 2006 will follow him and fan out across the land have already pronounced that they will refuse gifts (even symbolic ones) of any kind during this upcoming marathon tour, they will not open any bank accounts, they will not be riding first-class… their vanguard, or scout, the masked Marcos, will, in a sense, live off the land… that is to say, strictly and only on the support of the simple and humble people who struggle."
The planned tour of the country will run from January 9th (2006) to June 25th, and will hit each of the Mexican states along with Mexico City. It just so happens that July 2nd is the date of the presidential elections. Could this be seen as a campaign tour?
After Marcos returns to Chiapas, unfortunately probably not as the president of the country, a second wave of Zapatistas will leave the southern state to join forces with other like minded people around the country.
"In other words, indigenous Maya – primarily of the Tzotzil, Tzeltal, Tojolabal and Chol ethnic groups – with 22 years of experience as Zapatistas and a heritage of 514 years of experience resisting impositions from above and outside will go to the places and people throughout Mexico that their vanguard, or scout, Marcos recommends. Some of them will be going to live, work and organize for six month tours of duty, implanting themselves in communities, in the homes of real people, near workplaces, factories, farms, organizations and collectives, where thousands upon thousands of other Mexicans will be able to observe and collaborate, up close, with Zapatista organizing techniques and other ways of being."
The next year or so in Mexico should get very interesting. With the leftist, Lopez Obrador in the running for president, and now Marcos and the Zapatistas making a concerted effort to reach out to the rest of the country, changes may very well be afoot.
Good News from South America...
Hunger Strike...
Thursday, September 15th, 2005
Hunger Strike Grows at Guantánamo PrisonWashington, Sep 15 (Prensa Latina) Dozens of detainees at the Guantanamo Bay prison camp, a Cuban territory illegally occupied by the US, have joined a hunger strike, bringing the number refusing food to 128.
Eighteen prisoners have been hospitalized, including 13 who are being tube-fed.
According to their lawyers, in the latest of a series of hunger strikes since 2002 by detainees, as many as 200 prisoners were involved in the protest, demanding release or immediate trial.
Many of the inmates have been held without charge for more than three years. The Guantanamo prison holds about 500 prisoners from nearly 40 countries.
The New York-based Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR), which has provided lawyers for many detainees, says some prisoners have threatened to starve to death unless they are put on trial or released.
The CCR has also claimed that at least three detainees were abused by the military's Extreme Reaction Force.
"rebuilding" = lining big corporate pockets
The corporate elite of America and the West are really making a push to make their version of reality the prevailing one around the world. It looks like New Orleans is headed towards gentrified bliss while the poor will get to move into beautiful new public trailer parks. You gotta love it.
Kill 'em All...
"Lt. Gen. Steven Blum of the National Guard said 7,000 National Guardsmen arriving in Louisiana on Friday would be dedicated to restoring order in New Orleans. He said half of them had just returned from assignments overseas and are "highly proficient in the use of lethal force." He pledged to "put down" the violence "in a quick and efficient manner.'"
"Gov. Kathleen Blanco called the looters "hoodlums" and issued a warning to lawbreakers: Hundreds of National Guardsmen hardened on the battlefield in Iraq have landed in New Orleans.
Like I mentioned in my previous post, it's nice to see such concern for the poor, sick, and elderly of New Orleans. Treat them like criminals for not succeeding in the corrupt capitalist American Consumer Culture.