The Economics of Poverty

The Washington Post recently published an excellent article by DeNeen L. Brown explaining the catch-22-like nature of living in poverty. In the U.S., access to resources revolves around economics: those who have money, have access and those who have no money have no choice but to pay for it. The WP article points out how goods and services are often readily accessible to the large middle class of the country, while the poor need to rely on over-priced and under-stocked markets for the necessities of daily life. Take the example of food: 
"You don't have a car to get to a supermarket, much less to Costco or Trader Joe's, where the middle class goes to save money. You don't have three hours to take the bus. So you buy groceries at the corner store, where a gallon of milk costs an extra dollar." 
Brown continues to explain how those living in poverty are stuck in a cycle of low-paying jobs, high-priced goods, restrictive time-consuming realities, and no credit that makes it nearly impossible to break the cycle. 

Read the article here>>> 
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  1. Anonymous10:10 AM

    depressing. and a situation that is probably worsening as prices and rates go up. the poor will only become more poor.

  2. Anonymous2:08 PM

    This is how the system works and stays in place.


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